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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Give Credit to the little Guys.

wow wow wow. yeah yeah yeah youve all done your Rant on the New Fabulous Starbazar.
i say Bahhahaha. Meh. So what. it still has its stuff ups, have you ever clicked a a brand to have little Squiz at, and find that everysingle item from that particular section has just disapeared? happens to me EVERY Freakin time i go to buy something, i live off the Search bar nowadays. just to find something for, that disapearing brand.

I must say, some of the Fallen angel items are quite Cute, very Modern but Old at the very same time aint it hard to explain?

what really got me on the grand apening was the graphics in the background true talent, who ever drew the faces. i just love it. its really those little things that should get the Credit, whether it was an unreconised item, art piece or idea. we should focuz on the good of the Stardoll Hood.

soo yep. take another look, a good look a the masterpiece next time you go shopping.

Ciao Chica

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